Deep Reinforcement Learning
The Tour De Flags test case

This is the second Ipython Notebook on Deep Reinforcement Learning (or Q-learning). It is strongly dependent on the first part, so it is strongly advised that you first go through the Deep Reinforcement Learning for Maze Solving Notebook before starting this notebook.


The Tour De Flags maze game is similar to the classical Mouse/Cheese maze game, except that the mouse is replaced by an agent whose mission is to collect several flags before arriving to the target cell (were the "Cheese" used to be in the previous maze game). For simplicity sake we will assume that the agent always starts at cell (0,0) and its destination cell is always at the bottom right cell of the maze.

Load Libraries

We will use the keras Python deep learning library on top of Google's Tensorflow version 0.12.1. We will need matplotlib module for drawing mazes.

In [2]:
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, time, datetime, json, random
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation
from keras.optimizers import SGD , Adam, RMSprop
from keras.layers.advanced_activations import PReLU
from keras.layers.advanced_activations import LeakyReLU
from keras.activations import relu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
Using TensorFlow backend.

Environment Description

A framework for an MDP (Markov Decision Process) consists of an environment and an agent which acts in this environment. In our case the environment is a classical square maze with three types of cells:

  1. Occupied cells
  2. Free cells
  3. Flag Cells
  4. Target Cell (in which the cheese is located)

Our agent is is allowed to move only on free cells and on flag cells (for picking the flags). After picking all flags, our agent must head to the target cell. The fastest he completes this mission the highet is his rewards.

In our model, the agent is "encouraged" to find the shortest path to the target cell by a simple rewarding scheme:

  1. We have exactly 4 actions which we must encode as integers 0-3:
    • 0 - left
    • 1 - up
    • 2 - right
    • 3 - down
  2. Our rewards will be floating points ranging from -1.0 to 1.0.
  3. Each move from one state to the next state will be rewarded by a small negative reward, so that the agent is encouraged to minimized the number of moves.
  4. The agent will be awarded a positive reward immediately after capturing each flag.
  5. The maximal reward of 1.0 points is given when the rat hits the cheese cell. However, a negative reward will be added for every flag which was not captured.
  6. An attempt to enter a blocked cell ("red" cell) will cost a significant negative reward.
  7. Same rule hold for an attempt to move outside the maze boundaries.
  8. To avoid infinite loops and senseless wandering, the game is ended (lose) once the total reward of the rat is below the negative threshold.
  9. The awards policy is precisely defined in the reward and get_reward members of the Tmaze class

Here are our main constants:

In [3]:
# Gray scale marks for cells
visited_mark = 0.9
flag_mark = 0.65
agent_mark = 0.5

# Actions dictionary
actions_dict = {
    0: 'left',
    1: 'up',
    2: 'right',
    3: 'down',

num_actions = len(actions_dict)

The Tmaze Class

In [4]:
# maze is a 2d Numpy array of floats between 0.0 to 1.0
# 1.0 corresponds to a free cell, and 0.0 an occupied cell
# rat = (row, col) initial rat position (defaults to (0,0))

class Tmaze(object):
    Tour De Flags maze object
    maze: a 2d Numpy array of 0's and 1's
        1.00 - a free cell
        0.65 - flag cell
        0.50 - agent cell
        0.00 - an occupied cell
    agent: (row, col) initial agent position (defaults to (0,0))
    flags: list of cells occupied by flags
    def __init__(self, maze, flags, agent=(0,0), target=None):
        self._maze = np.array(maze)
        self._flags = set(flags)
        nrows, ncols = self._maze.shape
        if target is None:
   = (nrows-1, ncols-1)   # default target cell where the agent to deliver the "flags"
        self.free_cells = set((r,c) for r in range(nrows) for c in range(ncols) if self._maze[r,c] == 1.0)
        self.free_cells -= self._flags
        if self._maze[] == 0.0:
            raise Exception("Invalid maze: target cell cannot be blocked!")
        if not agent in self.free_cells:
            raise Exception("Invalid agent Location: must sit on a free cell")

    def reset(self, agent=(0,0)):
        self.agent = agent
        self.maze = np.copy(self._maze)
        self.flags = set(self._flags)
        nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape
        row, col = agent
        self.maze[row, col] = agent_mark
        self.state = ((row, col), 'start')
        self.base = np.sqrt(self.maze.size)
        self.visited = dict(((r,c),0) for r in range(nrows) for c in range(ncols) if self._maze[r,c] == 1.0)
        self.total_reward = 0
        self.min_reward = -0.5 * self.maze.size
        self.reward = {
            'blocked':  self.min_reward,
            'flag':     1.0/len(self._flags),
            'invalid': -4.0/self.base,
            'valid':   -1.0/self.maze.size

    def act(self, action):
        reward = self.get_reward()
        self.total_reward += reward
        status = self.game_status()
        env_state = self.observe()
        return env_state, reward, status

    def get_reward(self):
        agent, mode = self.state
        if agent ==
            return 1.0 - len(self.flags) / len(self._flags)
        if mode == 'blocked':
            return self.reward['blocked']
        elif agent in self.flags:
            return self.reward['flag']
        elif mode == 'invalid':
            return self.reward['invalid']
        elif mode == 'valid':
            return self.reward['valid'] #* (1 + 0.1*self.visited[agent] ** 2)

    def update_state(self, action):
        nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape
        (nrow, ncol), nmode = agent, mode = self.state

        if self.maze[agent] > 0.0:
            self.visited[agent] += 1  # mark visited cell
        if agent in self.flags:

        valid_actions = self.valid_actions()

        if not valid_actions:
            nmode = 'blocked'
        elif action in valid_actions:
            nmode = 'valid'
            if action == 0:    # move left
                ncol -= 1
            elif action == 1:  # move up
                nrow -= 1
            elif action == 2:    # move right
                ncol += 1
            elif action == 3:  # move down
                nrow += 1
        else:                  # invalid action, no change in agent position
            nmode = 'invalid'

        # new state
        agent = (nrow, ncol)
        self.state = (agent, nmode)

    def game_status(self):
        if self.total_reward < self.min_reward:
            return 'lose'
        agent, mode = self.state
        if agent ==
            if len(self.flags) == 0:
                return 'win'
                return 'lose'

        return 'ongoing'

    def observe(self):
        canvas = self.draw_env()
        env_state = canvas.reshape((1, -1))
        return env_state

    def draw_env(self):
        canvas = np.copy(self.maze)
        nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape
        # clear all visual marks
        for r in range(nrows):
            for c in range(ncols):
                if canvas[r,c] > 0.0:
                    canvas[r,c] = 1.0
        # draw the flags
        for r,c in self.flags:
            canvas[r,c] = flag_mark
        # draw the agent
        agent, mode = self.state
        canvas[agent] = agent_mark
        return canvas

    def valid_actions(self, cell=None):
        if cell is None:
            (row, col), mode = self.state
            row, col = cell
        actions = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        nrows, ncols = self.maze.shape
        if row == 0:
        elif row == nrows-1:

        if col == 0:
        elif col == ncols-1:

        if row>0 and self.maze[row-1,col] == 0.0:
        if row<nrows-1 and self.maze[row+1,col] == 0.0:

        if col>0 and self.maze[row,col-1] == 0.0:
        if col<ncols-1 and self.maze[row,col+1] == 0.0:

        return actions

The Experience Class

In [5]:
class Experience(object):
    def __init__(self, model, max_memory=100, discount=0.97):
        self.model = model
        self.max_memory = max_memory = discount
        self.memory = list()
        self.num_actions = model.output_shape[-1]

    def remember(self, episode):
        # episode = [env_state, action, reward, next_env_state, game_over]
        # memory[i] = episode
        # env_state == flattened 1d maze cells info, including agent cell (see method: observe)
        if len(self.memory) > self.max_memory:
            del self.memory[0]

    def predict(self, env_state):
        return self.model.predict(env_state)[0]

    def get_data(self, data_size=10):
        env_size = self.memory[0][0].shape[1]   # env_state 1d size (1st element of episode)
        mem_size = len(self.memory)
        data_size = min(mem_size, data_size)
        inputs = np.zeros((data_size, env_size))
        targets = np.zeros((data_size, self.num_actions))
        for i, j in enumerate(np.random.choice(range(mem_size), data_size, replace=False)):
            env_state, action, reward, next_env_state, game_over = self.memory[j]
            inputs[i] = env_state
            # There should be no target values for actions not taken.
            # Thou shalt not correct actions not taken #deep (quote by Eder Santana)
            targets[i] = self.predict(env_state)
            # Q_sa = derived policy = max quality env/action = max_a' Q(s', a')
            Q_sa = np.max(self.predict(next_env_state))
            if game_over:
                targets[i, action] = reward
                # reward + gamma * max_a' Q(s', a')
                targets[i, action] = reward + * Q_sa
        return inputs, targets

The Qtraining Class

In [6]:
class Qtraining(object):
    def __init__(self, model, env, **opt):
        self.model = model  # Nueral Network Model
        self.env = env  # Environment (Tour De Flags maze object)
        self.n_epoch = opt.get('n_epoch', 1000)  # Number of epochs to run
        self.max_memory = opt.get('max_memory', 4*self.env.maze.size)  # Max memory for experiences
        self.data_size = opt.get('data_size', int(0.75*self.env.maze.size))  # Data samples from experience replay
        self.agent_cells = opt.get('agent_cells', [(0,0)])  # Starting cells for the agent
        self.weights_file = opt.get('weights_file', "")  # Keras model weights file = opt.get('name', 'model')  # Name for saving weights and json files

        self.win_count = 0
        # If you want to continue training from a previous model,
        # just supply the h5 file name to weights_file option
        if self.weights_file:
            print("loading weights from file: %s" % (self.weights_file,))

        if self.agent_cells == 'all':
            self.agent_cells = self.env.free_cells

        # Initialize experience replay object
        self.experience = Experience(self.model, max_memory=self.max_memory)

    def train(self):
        start_time =
        self.seconds = 0
        self.win_count = 0
        for epoch in range(self.n_epoch):
            self.epoch = epoch
            self.loss = 0.0
            agent = random.choice(self.agent_cells)
            game_over = False
            # get initial env_state (1d flattened canvas)
            self.env_state = self.env.observe()
            self.n_episodes = 0
            while not game_over:
                game_over =

            dt = - start_time
            self.seconds = dt.total_seconds()
            t = format_time(self.seconds)
            fmt = "Epoch: {:3d}/{:d} | Loss: {:.4f} | Episodes: {:4d} | Wins: {:2d} | flags: {:d} | e: {:.3f} | time: {}"
            print(fmt.format(epoch, self.n_epoch-1, self.loss, self.n_episodes, self.win_count, len(self.env.flags), self.epsilon(), t))
            if self.win_count > 2:
                if self.completion_check():
                    print("Completed training at epoch: %d" % (epoch,))

    def play(self):
        action = self.action()
        prev_env_state = self.env_state
        self.env_state, reward, game_status = self.env.act(action)
        if game_status == 'win':
            self.win_count += 1
            game_over = True
        elif game_status == 'lose':
            game_over = True
            game_over = False

        # Store episode (experience)
        episode = [prev_env_state, action, reward, self.env_state, game_over]
        self.n_episodes += 1

        # Train model
        inputs, targets = self.experience.get_data(data_size=self.data_size)
        epochs = int(self.env.base)
        h =
            epochs = epochs,
        self.loss = self.model.evaluate(inputs, targets, verbose=0)
        return game_over

    def run_game(self, agent):
        env_state = self.env.observe()
        while True:
            # get next action
            q = self.model.predict(env_state)
            action = np.argmax(q[0])
            prev_env_state = env_state
            # apply action, get rewards and new state
            env_state, reward, game_status = self.env.act(action)
            if game_status == 'win':
                return True
            elif game_status == 'lose':
                return False

    def action(self):
        # Get next action
        valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions()
        if not valid_actions:
            action = None
        elif np.random.rand() < self.epsilon():
            action = random.choice(valid_actions)
            q = self.experience.predict(self.env_state)
            action = np.argmax(q)
        return action

    def epsilon(self):
        n = self.win_count
        top = 0.80
        bottom = 0.08
        if n<10:
            e = bottom + (top - bottom) / (1 + 0.1 * n**0.5)
            e = bottom
        return e
    def completion_check(self):
        for agent in self.agent_cells:
            if not self.run_game(agent):
                return False
        return True

    def save(self, name=""):
        # Save trained model weights and architecture, this will be used by the visualization code
        if not name:
            name =
        h5file = 'model_%s.h5' % (name,)
        json_file = 'model_%s.json' % (name,)
        self.model.save_weights(h5file, overwrite=True)
        with open(json_file, "w") as outfile:
            json.dump(self.model.to_json(), outfile)
        t = format_time(self.seconds)
        print('files: %s, %s' % (h5file, json_file))
        print("n_epoch: %d, max_mem: %d, data: %d, time: %s" % (self.epoch, self.max_memory, self.data_size, t))

Building a Neural Network Model

Choosing the correct parameters for a suitable model is not easy and requires some experience and many experiments. In the case of the Tour De Flags maze we found that:

  1. The most suitable activation function is SReLU (the S-shaped relu), but it has been removed from the latest Keras version, so we have used LeakyRelu instead (the closest thing)
  2. Our optimizer is adam
  3. Our loss function is mse (Mean Squared Error).

We use two hidden layers, each of size equals to the maze size. The input layer has also the same size as the maze since it accepts the maze stae as input. The output layer size is the same as the number of actions (4 in our case), since its outputs the estimated q-value for each action. (we need to take the action with the maximal q-value for playing in the game).

In [7]:
def build_model(env, **opt):
    loss = opt.get('loss', 'mse')
    a = opt.get('alpha', 0.24)
    model = Sequential()
    esize = env.maze.size
    model.add(Dense(esize, input_shape=(esize,)))
    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')
    return model


We use the following utilities for drawing Numpy matrices and time formatting

In [8]:
def show_env(env, fname=None):
    n = env.maze.shape[0]
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, n, 1))
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, n, 1))
    canvas = np.copy(env.maze)
    for cell in env.visited:
        if env.visited[cell]:
            canvas[cell] = visited_mark
    for cell in env.flags:
        canvas[cell] = flag_mark
    img = plt.imshow(canvas, interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
    if fname:
    return img

def format_time(seconds):
    if seconds < 400:
        s = float(seconds)
        return "%.1f seconds" % (s,)
    elif seconds < 4000:
        m = seconds / 60.0
        return "%.2f minutes" % (m,)
        h = seconds / 3600.0
        return "%.2f hours" % (h,)

Small Q-test

Lets test our algorithm on the following small (7x7) maze with 4 flags

In [9]:
maze = np.array([
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],

flags = [(3,0), (3,2), (3,4), (3,6)]

env = Tmaze(maze, flags)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x209daa7cfd0>

Training our 7x7 maze

  1. We first build our neural network model.
  2. Then we create a Qtraining object (qt)
  3. and lastly we call the train() method on qt.
In [10]:
model = build_model(env)

qt = Qtraining(
    n_epoch = 200,
    max_memory = 500,
    data_size = 100,
    name = 'model_1'

Epoch:   0/199 | Loss: 0.0041 | Episodes:   34 | Wins:  0 | flags: 3 | e: 0.800 | time: 1.2 seconds
Epoch:   1/199 | Loss: 0.0009 | Episodes:  309 | Wins:  0 | flags: 1 | e: 0.800 | time: 33.6 seconds
Epoch:   2/199 | Loss: 0.0014 | Episodes:  230 | Wins:  1 | flags: 0 | e: 0.735 | time: 59.6 seconds
Epoch:   3/199 | Loss: 0.0012 | Episodes:   34 | Wins:  1 | flags: 3 | e: 0.735 | time: 63.5 seconds
Epoch:   4/199 | Loss: 0.0015 | Episodes:   78 | Wins:  1 | flags: 1 | e: 0.735 | time: 72.3 seconds
Epoch:   5/199 | Loss: 0.0006 | Episodes:   68 | Wins:  1 | flags: 2 | e: 0.735 | time: 80.0 seconds
Epoch:   6/199 | Loss: 0.0005 | Episodes:  333 | Wins:  2 | flags: 0 | e: 0.711 | time: 117.7 seconds
Epoch:   7/199 | Loss: 0.0006 | Episodes:  183 | Wins:  3 | flags: 0 | e: 0.694 | time: 138.3 seconds
Epoch:   8/199 | Loss: 0.0005 | Episodes:   87 | Wins:  3 | flags: 1 | e: 0.694 | time: 148.6 seconds
Epoch:   9/199 | Loss: 0.0012 | Episodes:  179 | Wins:  3 | flags: 1 | e: 0.694 | time: 168.8 seconds
Epoch:  10/199 | Loss: 0.0003 | Episodes:  193 | Wins:  4 | flags: 0 | e: 0.680 | time: 189.9 seconds
Epoch:  11/199 | Loss: 0.0004 | Episodes:   36 | Wins:  4 | flags: 2 | e: 0.680 | time: 194.4 seconds
Epoch:  12/199 | Loss: 0.0004 | Episodes:  106 | Wins:  5 | flags: 0 | e: 0.668 | time: 206.4 seconds
Completed training at epoch: 12

It took about 3 minutes to train the model. The first thing we should do is to save our model to disk. We use the standard HDF5 and JSON file formats used by Keras:

In [11]:'t1')
files: model_t1.h5, model_t1.json
n_epoch: 12, max_mem: 500, data: 100, time: 206.4 seconds

As we see, the't1') method has created two files: "model_t1.h5" and "model_t1.json", which we can load any time and use for playing Tour De Flags on our maze as a winning strategy.

We will later show how to write code for simulating a few games with this model and visualize them with matplotlib. At the moment we will visualize how our model works on a tkinter canvas:


Use the same code for solving the following 12x12 maze with the following six flags

In [ ]:
maze = np.array([
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],
    [ 1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  1.],

flags = [(0,4), (0,11), (4,4), (5,9), (11,7), (11,9)]

You should end up with something like this (of course there is more than one solution):

In [ ]:


what we have presented above is just a rough skeleton of how Q-training looks like and not an optimal solution for the Tour De Flags problem. For larger sizes, the above solution consumes a lot of compute time, and there is a lot of room for improvements which we leave for anyone who's challenged by this problem. Please let us know if you find significant improvements.

Further Ideas for Course Projects and Research

Apart of the many versions of a single agent maze games, the field of multi-agent environment is full of projects and research opportunities. If we add more agents to the the Tour Def Flags maze, we get some interesting possibilities.

We may demand these multiple agents to cooperate together in order to collect a mutual maximal reward, or we may allow for each agent to operate on its own egoistically to compete for its own maximal reward. Which way will yield the fastest solution? The answer to this question can settle once and for all the eternal problem of socialism vs. capitalism ... :-) We can also consider some hybrid variants in which the agents are divided to groups which compete one against the rest. In such cases we will need to build several neural networks (one per group). Each neural network will have to compete against the other neural networks in predicting adversaries strategies and selecting the best next move. In the case of full cooperation, only one neural network will be needed for predicting a coordinated next move for all the agents.

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